четверг, 24 января 2013 г.

What is Considered Normal Blood Pressure?

Everyone has a level of blood pressure (BP) which is normal to them, however that same number may not be normal for someone else. There is no one set number that covers everyone. What doctors have done is given an average that most people should be at which hovers around 115/75. Obviously, ten points or so in either direction would still be within the normal range for a healthy adult.

So what is BP anyway? Blood pressure is the force exerted upon the blood vessel walls by the blood flowing through. This force weakens the further it travels from the heart so various spots on the body may give a different measurement. Generally, we are referring to the brachial blood pressure point, which is taken at or just above the elbow bend of the arm.

Different things can affect a person's normal BP. Age is one factor because the pressure in your blood tends to rise as we age. In children, the normal range is lower than in adults just as the elderly tend to have a higher range than younger adults. Heart rate affects the normal blood pressure level. Because heart rate is how fast the blood is pumped through the circulatory system, a faster heart rate will mean a higher that normal pressure level in the blood than someone with a heart rate that is slower.

How thick the blood is makes a difference, too. Someone who is on an aspirin regimen or any blood thinner medication will usually have a lower pressure level in their blood than someone who's blood is of the standard viscosity. Some medications can constrict or open the blood vessels which can also cause a change in the pressure level.

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